Matthew 18


Sunday Morning Worship: 9:15 am & 11:00 am, Christian Ed: 9:15 & 11 am | Wednesday Night: Girls Ministry and Royal Rangers: 6:15 pm, Wednesday Prayer Service, NC Students Service 6:30 pm l Thursday The Summit (Y/A) Service: 7:00 pm

by: Debbie Galyen



“Pay what you owe” (v28). The disciples asked Jesus “how often” they should forgive others, and Jesus answered with a parable. In it, even though an employer had forgiven his servant a large sum, the servant went on to violently demand what was owed him by someone else (v28-30). The servant refused to step out of the cycle of debt/blame/anger, even though he had been given mercy, Jesus warned his followers about thinking they could “get” forgiveness without repentance. Receiving the King’s mercy includes being changed by it (v35). 

“Unless you turn and become like children ...” (v2). Our human nature wants to hang on to our grievances, rights, and power. Through Jesus, the Father invites us into a better life of forgiveness and mercy. 

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“Pay what you owe” (v28). The disciples asked Jesus “how often” they should forgive others, and Jesus answered with a parable. In it, even though an employer had forgiven his servant a large sum, the servant went on to violently demand what was owed him by someone else (v28-30). The servant refused to step out of the cycle of debt/blame/anger, even though he had been given mercy, Jesus warned his followers about thinking they could “get” forgiveness without repentance. Receiving the King’s mercy includes being changed by it (v35). 

“Unless you turn and become like children ...” (v2). Our human nature wants to hang on to our grievances, rights, and power. Through Jesus, the Father invites us into a better life of forgiveness and mercy. 

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