Lamentations 1-2


Sunday Morning Worship: 9:15 am & 11:00 am, Christian Ed: 9:15 & 11 am | Wednesday Night: Girls Ministry and Royal Rangers: 6:15 pm, Wednesday Prayer Service, NC Students Service 6:30 pm l Thursday The Summit (Y/A) Service: 7:00 pm

by: Debbie Galyen



“My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within; my heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed” (2:11). Attributed to Jeremiah, Lamentations gives words to the suffering caused by sin – in this case, the destruction of Jerusalem. Jeremiah wept to see the results of human rebellion and the “false and worthless” visions of religious leaders (2:14). The city that was “the joy of the whole earth” was now a sign of judgment (2:15).

“Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?” (2:13). Sin can result in wounds so deep and complex that we feel hopeless. But Jesus bore our sins and sorrows in His own body, so we can be healed. 

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“My eyes fail from weeping, I am in torment within; my heart is poured out on the ground because my people are destroyed” (2:11). Attributed to Jeremiah, Lamentations gives words to the suffering caused by sin – in this case, the destruction of Jerusalem. Jeremiah wept to see the results of human rebellion and the “false and worthless” visions of religious leaders (2:14). The city that was “the joy of the whole earth” was now a sign of judgment (2:15).

“Your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?” (2:13). Sin can result in wounds so deep and complex that we feel hopeless. But Jesus bore our sins and sorrows in His own body, so we can be healed. 

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