Genesis 48,49


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by: Lowell Harrup



When Joseph was told that his father Jacob was dying, Joseph took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, (48:3-6) and had Jacob bless them. Though Ephraim was the younger, Jacob, in faith and led by God, gave the greater blessing to Ephraim. Jacob recounted God’s promises and faithfulness to himself. Then he took his other sons and blessed them prophetically. Jacob’s mature faith enabled him to see God’s powerful direction in his life and yet embrace the results of his own actions. One did not eradicate the other. Likewise, he could see the nature of his sons and yet know God would be faithful. Mature faith embraces both.

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When Joseph was told that his father Jacob was dying, Joseph took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, (48:3-6) and had Jacob bless them. Though Ephraim was the younger, Jacob, in faith and led by God, gave the greater blessing to Ephraim. Jacob recounted God’s promises and faithfulness to himself. Then he took his other sons and blessed them prophetically. Jacob’s mature faith enabled him to see God’s powerful direction in his life and yet embrace the results of his own actions. One did not eradicate the other. Likewise, he could see the nature of his sons and yet know God would be faithful. Mature faith embraces both.

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