Genesis 27 is one of the most uncomfortable chapters in scripture – watching the integrity of a family, chosen by God to demonstrate His presence in the world, disintegrate through the evils of dishonesty, disloyalty, greed, favoritism and deception – all premeditated. Yet, God kept alive his promises through this family. How could this be?
Romans 4:16 explains God’s answer to our failure and theirs. It tells us God has always blessed according to His nature, not ours. We cannot earn salvation. If one works for grace, it is not grace, it is pay. So, God made his approval premised only on our trusting Him (faith!), to approve of us at His expense. “It is by faith in order that it may be in accordance with grace (v16)!” Despite the failures of Isaac’s family, he ultimately trusted God. It is still only by faith so that it can be “grace.”