Genesis 22


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by: Debbie Galyen



“God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son” (v8). Isaac was the child of divine promise, and he was also Abraham’s earthly hope for a family line, generational wealth, help in his old age, and public honor in a family-centric society. God asked Abraham to put all this on the altar as a test. In an unimaginable act of faith, Abraham obeyed. God immediately provided a ram in place of Isaac, demonstrating that He did not want bloodshed. Instead, He was the source of everything Abraham needed and desired.

“The Lord will provide ...” (v14). Faith means we throw ourselves into God’s hands without reservation, trusting Him as Savior, Provider, Redeemer. His blessing changes everything (v17). 

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“God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son” (v8). Isaac was the child of divine promise, and he was also Abraham’s earthly hope for a family line, generational wealth, help in his old age, and public honor in a family-centric society. God asked Abraham to put all this on the altar as a test. In an unimaginable act of faith, Abraham obeyed. God immediately provided a ram in place of Isaac, demonstrating that He did not want bloodshed. Instead, He was the source of everything Abraham needed and desired.

“The Lord will provide ...” (v14). Faith means we throw ourselves into God’s hands without reservation, trusting Him as Savior, Provider, Redeemer. His blessing changes everything (v17). 

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