Ezekiel 1-2


Sunday Morning Worship: 9:15 am & 11:00 am, Christian Ed: 9:15 & 11 am | Wednesday Night: Girls Ministry and Royal Rangers: 6:15 pm, Wednesday Prayer Service, NC Students Service 6:30 pm l Thursday The Summit (Y/A) Service: 7:00 pm

by: Debbie Galyen



“...While I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God” (1:1). The prophet Ezekiel received visions not in Israel, but “among the exiles” who had been taken to Babylon. There, far away from the Temple, Ezekiel saw visions of “four living creatures”, great moving “wheels”, and, on a heavenly throne, a man with “the likeness of the glory of the Lord” (1:28). God’s voice was clear in Babylon.

“Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him” (1:28). God’s radiance, His presence, was not limited to Jerusalem. Whether we are settled or unsettled, at home or in exile, at peace or in trouble, He speaks.

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“...While I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God” (1:1). The prophet Ezekiel received visions not in Israel, but “among the exiles” who had been taken to Babylon. There, far away from the Temple, Ezekiel saw visions of “four living creatures”, great moving “wheels”, and, on a heavenly throne, a man with “the likeness of the glory of the Lord” (1:28). God’s voice was clear in Babylon.

“Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him” (1:28). God’s radiance, His presence, was not limited to Jerusalem. Whether we are settled or unsettled, at home or in exile, at peace or in trouble, He speaks.

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