Exodus 1-2


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by: Debbie Galyen



“But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad” (1:12). After Joseph died, subsequent generations of Israelites became an oppressed minority in Egypt. They were made to “work as slaves” because the Egyptians feared them (1:14). But the mighty Egyptian empire could not negate God’s promises to Abraham’s descendants. He protected their children through the courageous actions of midwives (ch 1) and, through the boldness of a mother and sister, raised up Moses to lead them (ch 2).

“And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant” (2:24). The powers of the world can cause trouble and suffering, but they cannot stop God’s good purposes. When we are weak, his saving love is revealed (II Cor 12:9).   

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“But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad” (1:12). After Joseph died, subsequent generations of Israelites became an oppressed minority in Egypt. They were made to “work as slaves” because the Egyptians feared them (1:14). But the mighty Egyptian empire could not negate God’s promises to Abraham’s descendants. He protected their children through the courageous actions of midwives (ch 1) and, through the boldness of a mother and sister, raised up Moses to lead them (ch 2).

“And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant” (2:24). The powers of the world can cause trouble and suffering, but they cannot stop God’s good purposes. When we are weak, his saving love is revealed (II Cor 12:9).   

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