NC Groups


Sunday Morning Worship: 9:15 am & 11:00 am, Christian Ed: 9:15 & 11 am | Wednesday Night: Girls Ministry and Royal Rangers: 6:15 pm, Wednesday Prayer Service, NC Students Service 6:30 pm l Thursday The Summit (Y/A) Service: 7:00 pm

Find your together! - Spring 2025

Discipleship / Study Groups
Let's Learn Together!


Table of Contents, 8 am

Brent McIntosh, Room 1

Deuteronomy: God, Blessings, and Curses by Dennis Prager

Contagious Christian Community, 9:15 am

Steve Lager, Room 10

Unleashed Influence: Power of Servant Leadership, a Bible study by Lifeway Church Resources that focuses on building Christian Community.

Community impact: Providing meals and treats to local police and fire departments, Hillcrest and the Ronald McDonald House inside of Children's Mercy Hospital.

Family Life, 9:15 am

Joe Caudillo, Room 11

Is He really coming back? A study on the return of Jesus Christ with a focus on the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the ultimate return of Jesus Christ to earth and the comfort, motivation, and hope this gives us today.

High School & Middle School Classes, 9:15 am

Lower Level

Birth – 5th Grade classes, 9:15 and 11 am

Various classrooms, start at kids check in

A Firm Foundation, 11 am

Geraldine Jones, Room 23

Topic: The Minor Prophets: Zechariah and Malachi

Above & Beyond, 11 am

Merna Andersen, Room 11

The GOD We Can Know: Exploring the "I AM" sayings of Jesus in Gospel of John. Let us occupy ourselves in knowing God. The more we know God the more we will desire to know Him.

Bible Expedition, 11 am

Rich Hubbard and Rick Gregory, Room 1

Gospel of Mark

Bridgebuilders, 11 am

Randy Mynatt, Room 21

Come walk the path with the New Testament church. The Apostle Paul’s letters offer deep insight into the early church, discipleship, and what it means to follow Christ. His letters to the churches—like those in Ephesus, Corinth, and Philippi—are packed with theology, practical advice, and pastoral care. Paul’s letters are a treasure trove for understanding how discipleship works in a community of believers, and many of his teachings are still incredibly relevant for us today.

Conversations for all Generations, 11 am

Moy Sappenfield / Pastor Taurina Smith, Room 17

Current Events through a Biblical Perspective.

Rejoicers, 11 am

Bob Bettis, Room 9

Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside Down by David Jeremiah. Chapter titles: Fight your fear. Destroy your discouragement. Win against worry. Disarm your doubts. The gift of grace. The power of perseverance. The role of responsibility. The fundamentals of fortitude.

Searchers, 11 am

Pastor Linda Smith & Carl Zornes, Room 24

Pastor Linda Smith and Carl Zornes are leading a verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans using a variety of resources including but not limited to commentaries and historical sources, such as the writings of Josephus, and of course, the Bible itself. We have looked at the Wrath of God, the Grace of God, and the Faithfulness of God, and in the coming weeks we will also study the Majesty of God, the Righteousness of God, and finally, the community of God.


Women’s Bible Study Evening Edition, 6:30 pm

Pastor Taurina Smith, Worship Center

Study is Kelly Minter’s Esther: Daring Faith for Such a Time as This

Men’s Bible Study, 6:45 pm

Homer Vanzant, Room 11

Study is Max Lucado’s What Happens Next


Bible Study, 6:30 pm

Pastor Kevin, Worship Center

Financial Peace University, 6:30 - 8 pm, March 5th – May 21st

Scott McRuer, Room 1

Reduce money stress and enjoy more financial peace.

Birth - 12th Grade Royal Rangers / MPact Girls Club, 6:15 pm

Various classrooms

Divine Opportunity: Finding God in the Conversations of Everyday Life, 6:30 - 7:30 pm *NEW*

Don & Norma Sultz, Room 2

6th - 12th grade Student Service, 6:30 pm

Pastor Garet Arnold, Lower level


Women’s Bible Study Morning Edition, 10 am

Pastor Taurina Smith, Worship Center

StuStudy is Kelly Minter’s Esther: Daring Faith for Such a Time as This

Young Adult Service, 7 pm

Pastor Logan Beshears, Lower level

Interest Groups
Let's Have Fun Together!


Joy Complete--Art Night, 6 - 7 pm

Josh Baum and Mary Goth, quarterly in the Welcome Gallery


Coed Pickleball, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Homer Vanzant, most Tuesdays in the Gym

This is a group of players that enjoy the game and a time of fellowship. If you would like to learn how to play, John Beatty would love to teach you the game. There are extra paddles and balls available for anyone. A fee of $20 is charged for January through June and $20 for July through December. Some nights may be canceled due to church events. Enter through door 13 on the north side of the gym off parking lot "A".


Crafting Group, 10 am - noon

Ann Chambers & Cheryl Mynatt, usually on the 2nd Wednesdays in Room 11/12. Bring the art or crafting project you are working on and enjoy fun, food, and fellowship with other crafters! All crafts are welcome.

$20 fee twice a year. Includes devotional and refreshments.


Coed Pickleball, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Homer Vanzant, most Thursdays in the gym

This is a group of players that enjoy the game and a time of fellowship. If you would like to learn how to play, John Beatty would love to teach you the game. There are extra paddles and balls available for anyone. A fee of $20 is charged for January through June and $20 for July through December. Some nights may be canceled due to church events. Enter through door 13 on the north side of the gym off parking lot "A".

Coed Volleyball, 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Homer Vanzant, most Thursdays (recreational) in the gym

Both groups are coed and for adults 18 or over. Enter the gym through door 13 on the north side of the gym off parking lot "A". A fee of $20 is charged for January through June and $20 for July through December. Some nights may be canceled due to church events.


JULIET (Just Us Ladies Informally Eating Together), 8 am

Belinda Riley, every other Friday at the Golden Corral on N. Skyview Ave

ROMEO (Retired Older Men Eating Out), 8 am

Homer Vanzant, every other Friday at the Golden Corral on N. Skyview Ave in back of Home Depot.

We meet in the Northwest corner room and any man that would like a time of fellowship with other men is welcome. A time of devotion and prayer is a very important part of this group. Always dress comfortably.

Coed Volleyball (regular), 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Homer Vanzant, most Fridays in the gym

Both groups are coed and for adults 18 or over. Enter the gym through door 13 on the north side of the gym off parking lot "A". A fee of $20 is charged for January through June and $20 for July through December. Some nights may be canceled due to church events.


The Writing Bridge, 10-11:30 am

Norma Sultz & Dr. Sheri Coffman, first Saturdays in Room 21

Are you a writer? A poet? Enjoy journaling? Are you interested in sharing your work with other like-minded Christians? NC Worship Arts invites you to be a part of The Writing Bridge, a new ministry that provides a place where writers can grow and share their literary gifts in an atmosphere that nurtures and encourages individual talent that honors God. For more information, contact Norma Sultz or Dr. Sheri Coffman.

Life Groups
Let's Fellowship and Learn Together!


Thornbergs, 5 pm

Art Thornberg, usually the 1st week

Masters, 6 pm

Stan Masters, usually the 1st week

Topic: Various (devotional style)


Widows Group, 10 am

Beth Callison, 2nd week

Fish-Burgener, 1:30 pm

Jerry Fish, 3rd week

Topic: Various (devotional style)


Calvert-Chambers, 7 pm

Mark Calvert, 4th week

Topic: The Holy Spirit