NC Women Morning Edition


Sunday Morning Worship: 9:15 am & 11:00 am, Christian Ed: 9:15 & 11 am | Wednesday Night: Girls Ministry and Royal Rangers: 6:15 pm, Wednesday Prayer Service, NC Students Service 6:30 pm l Thursday The Summit (Y/A) Service: 7:00 pm

 September 12, 2024

 10:00 AM

 101 NW 99th St Kansas City, MO 64155

NC Women Bible Studies begin soon. Evening Edition begins on Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30 pm and Morning Edition on September 12 at 10 am, in the Worship Center. Study is Dr. David Jeremiah’s Spiritual Warfare: Armor of the Believer. Visit the table in the concourse for more information or contact Nikki Wooten.